Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Atmosphere I've Been Looking For

Translated into English, this poster reads:
         "The time to light the Shabbat candles is 4:35 on Feb 1, 2014. Shabbat ends at 5:50 on the night of Feb 2, 2014."

Coming from an area where the majority of people aren't Jewish, to an area where I'm surrounded by Jews is amazing. At home, nobody understands Shabbat. Nobody understands how special it is, and why we celebrate it. But seeing this poster at a bus stop makes it so surreal that I'm in the holiest of holy lands.

The feeling that I get from being around a Jewish atmosphere is hard to explain. It gives me such a sense of completeness. There's no way to describe the relationships that I have with my Jewish friends, and I don't know why that is. Maybe it's because we share such an amazing connection, and that connection is on such a deep level. I can't believe I'm finally in Israel, but it feels so right. I can't wait to share these next 4 months, the most amazing months of my life, with a group of people who allow me to be my best self.

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